P. imperator is not found in Kenya, but five of its close relatives are. That's okay, I already have a picture with this species.
Scorpions of Kenya
(Few scorpions are dangerous, red denotes species to be careful around)
Babycurus buettneri
Babycurus jacksoni
Babycurus wituensis
Hottentotta eminii
Hottentotta minax
Hottentotta polystictus
Hottentotta trilineatus
Isometrus maculatus
Lychas burdoi
Lychas obsti
Odonturus dentatus
Parabuthus granimanus granimanus
Parabuthus granulatus
Parabuthus liosoma
Parabuthus pallidus
Uroplectes fischeri fischeri
Uroplectoides emiliae
Iomachus politus politus
Opisthacanthus rugiceps
Pandinus bellicosus
Pandinus cavimanus
Pandinus exitialis
Pandinus pallidus
Whoa! I'd love to hold (and pet if possible) a scorpion sometime. Bring one by the OUB, will ya?
Jeff McCaffrey
"It's not all about spiders" indeed! You have some great species to look forward to! Be sure to flip over as many rocks as possible, because most of those genera love to hide under rocks, either clinging to the underside of them (Babycurus, Odonturus, Hottentotta) or in shallow scrapes beneath them (Parabuthus). The Pandinus will likely be found in deeper burrows, so they might be harder to find, but P. exitialis would be worth the dig (That's the gold-claw emperor).
Be sure to take many pictures of the scorpions you find! Some of those species, such as the obscure Babycurus and the Uroplectes, are ones that I've never seen.
thanks for the complete list of scorpions of Kenya, I wish to have a collections of scorpions at home since I really admire and respect this insect!
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